Processes of continuous.

Processes of continuous Improvement and Development


How to apply and  get access of it.

What is the meaning of Continuous Improvement?

Let’s get to know the meaning of a continuous improvement process. Continuous improvement is a dedication to dedicating some time daily to making simple changes and developments, with the certainty that these meager developments will multiply to be a great achievement one day. The typical concept for the self- improvement process is setting a big goal and working to take all the chances to achieve that goal in record time. Theoretically, While this may sound good, May be one sometimes feels exhausted, frustrated, and failed. So we have to focus on the process of continuous improvement by making simple adjustments to our normal daily habits and behaviors.

It is good to ignore the value in order to making great decisions on everyday basis life, sticking with the basics is not an interesting thing and being bored was not an attractive thing. Getting the lowest score will not make you unique.

There is one thing for this problem, and it works.

How you Can Apply The Process of Continuous Improvement?


We often convince ourselves that actual change happen only if some tangible results are appearing. Whether it is losing weight, building a business, traveling the world or any other goal, we always hold ourselves overworked in order to impress others by making some extraordinary improvement.

In the same time, improving by only 1% isn’t work. Actually, it isn’t noticeable. But it can have a great meaning and effective in a long time.

Firstly, the improving process is not mentioned if it was the result just barely one percent or less(and it sometimes does not appear at all in your daily life), but it can have a special impact in the long run for those who continue to work and improving themselves, As well as you find suddenly a big different between people who make great decisions on a daily basis and those who don’t take anything or even making continuous improvement for themself.

The funny thing here is:

If the processes of development and improvement are done by one percent every day for a year, you will reap the benefits of that by thirty-seven times after the end of the specified period.

This is the way to make small choices less important and can only be felt of it after the long time.

For more information of this meaning (and an example of a coach who used it achieves great Olympic success), Please read this article: This Coach improved every Tiny Thing by 1 Percent and Here are the results.

 Tools that may help in this process

Now, Let us talk and make highlight on some quick steps that it can be taken to start focusing on the process of continuous improvement.

First step: Getting more information about what already works

We often waste the resources and ideas that we have.

There are many examples of small and large behaviors, that can advance progress in our lives, and only if we are committed to continuity in their implementation. Cleaning your teeth every day and never miss exercising. Do basic business tasks every day, not just at available times.

Sometimes progress comes from boring solutions and monotonous ideas. You may not need to additional information. You do not need to have a professional strategy. You just need to do more.

Second step: Avoid tiny losses


In many cases, the improvement process is not only based on many accomplishments, but it is based on reducing the frequency of errors. This concept is called the process of truncated improvements, and it focuses on accomplishing things that exceeding power, correcting errors, reducing complexity and stripping unnecessary things.

Here are the most important example:

· Education: Avoid stupid mistakes, make fewer mental errors.

· Investing: Keep your money, limit your risk.

· Web Design: Remove the internet page elements that distract visitors.

· Exercise: Miss fewer workouts.

· Nutrition: Reducing unhealthy foods.

It’s actually easy to improve your performance by cutting you’re your negative side instead of the positive. The subtraction process in this case is more useful than the addition.

The best ways to avoid tiny losses is to make big gains.

Third step:

We often measure our progress by looking forward. Firstly, we set goals. We plan milestones for our progress. Basically, we try to predict the future.

There is an opposite, and i think, more useful approach: Look at backward achievements, not what will be accomplished.

The concept of measurement is based on previous achievements means that you are making your decisions based on what actually happened. It is not what you expect to happen.

There are a few examples:

· Weight Loss: Measure your calorie intake. Did you eat 3,500 calories per day last week? Focus on averaging 3,400 per day this week.

· Strength Training: Excellent, you squatted 250 pounds for 5 sets of 5 reps last week? Give 255 pounds a try this week.

· Relationships: How many people did you meet last week? No one? Focus on introducing yourself to one new person this week.

· Entrepreneurship: You only have two clients last week while your average is five? It sounds like you should be focused on making more sales calls this week.

You have to measure past results and then work on developing them gradually. What did you do for the development process last week? How can you do this this week?

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